
How to Become a Web Developer in 2021 — Everything You Need to Know

As the digital industry expands, web developers have several career options. These individuals play a critical part in the tech industry by creating user-friendly and valuable websites. Everything from simple apps to ground-breaking inventions relies on technology in some way. Careers such as web developers pay much above the national average and are in high demand. The average yearly income for a web developer is above $77,000. There are various processes involved in becoming a web developer. It is necessary to complete a boot camp, a certificate, or a degree program to get technical skills as a software developer. Outsiders may think it’s a difficult, complex, and inaccessible field, and we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you learn more about it.

We’ll go through the fundamentals of web development. It shows you the tools and abilities needed to succeed in the field. On top of that, it explains the many sorts of web developers. Consider before starting a web development career and relevant professions. As a web developer, you’re responsible for creating and maintaining websites. The responsibilities of a front-end, back-end, or full-stack web developer differ from those of a full-stack web developer. As we’ll see later, full-stack developers are experts in a project’s front-end and back-end.

A web developer’s job is to create a product that fits the needs of both the client and the customer. Web developers work with stakeholders, clients, and designers to comprehend the vision. How should the finished website appear and function? They’re collaborating on this project. Developers can continuously improve a website or system by identifying and fixing problems. Every day, web developers come up with innovative solutions and workarounds. It’s a given that all web developers are fluent in various coding dialects. As a result, various developers will use different programming languages to do their tasks. Look closely at web development’s many layers and the accompanying jobs.

What is web development? 

Web Developer

Web Developer

Websites and applications are built for the internet or an intranet. Web development focuses on the code and programming that make a website function instead of the design. Everything we use on the internet is created by web developers, from simple static web pages to the most complex social media platforms and mobile apps. Generally, web development has three categories: front-end (client-side), back-end (server-side), and database technology. Let’s dig a little deeper and examine these areas in greater depth.


The process of writing client-side scripts is known as front-end development. It encompasses everything that the end-user sees and interacts with. A web browser runs client-side code, which affects what users view when they visit a website. The front-end handles design elements such as page layout, font choices, menus, and contact forms.


Whenever something happens behind the scenes in a web application, we call it the back-end. An end-user cannot see the back-end of a website, and it handles the client-side storage and organization of data. By interacting with the front-end, it accomplishes this. A browser sends a request to the server whenever a user fills out an online form. In response, the server sends front-end code to the browser, which interprets and displays the information.

Database technology

Websites also use databases. All the files and content necessary for a website to function can be stored, managed, changed, and retrieved in the database. Most websites use relational database management systems (RDBMS) to store and retrieve data. Developers use a combination of front-end, back-end, and database technologies to create a functional website or application.

Is there a current demand for web developers?

Web Developer

Web Developer

Technology is inescapable in our daily lives, as you’ve probably noticed. Whether we’re browsing social media, reading the news, or making an online purchase, technology has become a large part of our lives. A team of web developers regularly maintains this technology to ensure it is error-free. Today’s technology-driven environment requires web developers to play a critical role. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that web developer employment will increase by 8 percent between 2019 and 2029, reflected in the high demand for their services on the job market.

How about the drastic changes brought by Covid19? Does this still stand? The short answer is yes; web developers have fared well during the storm. For 2020, indeed ranked full-stack developer as the second-best job, and this trend is likely to continue into 2021 and beyond. According to a recent study, web development, cloud computing, DevOps. It also includes problem-solving among the most in-demand tech talents for 2021.

You can search on sites such as indeed, glass door, and LinkedIn if you’re curious about the demand for web developers. There are currently over 42,000 job listings for web developers in the US. Despite the ongoing Corona pandemic, it is still in high demand for web developers.

What kind of web developer should I aspire to be?

Web Developer

Web Developer

Web developers can specialize in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development. You’ll need unique skills to be an effective web developer. There are many factors to consider while deciding on a concentration area for learners.


Front-end developers work on the part of a website that is visible to visitors. It uses computer languages, such as HTML and CSS to create aesthetic appearances. With JavaScript, front-end developers may also construct interactive features.

Most suitable for: 

  • Designers with a background in visual or graphic arts
  • Who appreciate collaborating with digital designers and copywriters
  • Who are good at teamwork and dealing with clients


These programmers work on the back end of a website’s server.

Most suitable for: 

  • Those with database or algorithm experience
  • Who prefer working closely with database administrators and security specialists


A full-stack developer has expertise in a project’s front, and back ends. They operate on both the client and server sides of websites, bridging the gap between the two specialties. As a result, full-stack developers need the most diverse technical competencies.

Most suitable for:

  • Programmers with extensive experience in several languages and frameworks
  • Who has worked as front-end or back-end developers in the past
  • Who appreciate collaborating with other tech experts.

web developer

Considerations to make before working as a web developer

Web development is a rewarding field to work in because of the high demand and above-average pay. You should research the employment market and educational requirements.

  • Because of the increased demand for web developers, they are in great need. Between 2020 and 2030, the BLS predicts higher job growth for web developers than the national average.
  • More and more positions in web development are opening up with the possibility of working remotely. Many companies shifted to remote work during the COVID-19 epidemic, boosting the possibility of working from home.
  • Web designers and developers make more money than the average worker. The average web developer’s income will be $77,000 in 2020.
  • Students can get a degree or a certificate to start in the field. Additionally, a coding boot camp can teach the basics of web building.
  • Web developers must keep up with the latest developments by learning and improving their skills.
  • Web engineers work in groups, so they must be excellent communicators, collaborators, and team players.
  • This sector offers specializations in security, information architecture, and online application design.
  • To start a career as a web developer, you’ll likely need to know a few different programming languages. Many responsibilities need the use of languages other than HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What steps do I need to take to become a web developer?

Web Developer

Web Developer

A career as a web developer can be started quickly and continue for several years. An expedited boot camp teaches web programming to experienced computer professionals. People new to the field must have internship experience or freelancing experience. This section explains the steps necessary to work as a web developer in the modern world.


Web developers begin their careers by learning about web development via books and tutorials. There are numerous educational options available to aspiring developers. For example, many universities and private businesses provide web development-focused coding boot camps, and web development certificates and degrees are also available for students.

The most widely used web development programming languages are listed below:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Developers working on the web can also use a variety of other languages and technologies. Computer science, web development, and computer programming are popular majors for students who want to work in the field after graduating. Web developer jobs typically require associate’s degrees, according to the BLS. Boot camps and certificate programs are excellent options for aspiring web developers with a bachelor’s degree in another field. A coding boot camp usually lasts 12-24 weeks, while a certificate program lasts 9-12 months. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology ABET accredits web development programs.


As soon as they become web developers, prospective web developers build a portfolio of their work. The portfolio demonstrates a variety of programming languages, web development frameworks, and development abilities. In a project-based web development program, students gradually build up their portfolios. Internships, side projects, and freelancing can enhance the portfolios of web developers. Web development skills can start from scratch or use a content management system like WordPress. Many web designers and developers create their websites to show off their skills.


Through internships, web developers gain technical skills, identify a career path, and broaden their professional network. It’s a great way for web developers to gain practical experience and learn about the diverse career paths in the industry. They help web developers stand out on the job market, and thus internships can pay off. As a requirement for graduation, web development students must perform an internship. Schools help students find internships by connecting them with employers, and many schools give credit for internships completed. They can also locate training for web developers outside of school, and Websites and job application portals frequently advertise internships.


Front-end, back-end, or full-stack web development are the three primary specializations of web developers. Front-end developers work on the website’s user interface, while back-end developers handle the back-end operations. Full-stack engineers are well-versed in both programming languages and frameworks. Specialization depends on several factors, including education, experience, and personal interests. As a result, there are numerous specializations available. Additionally, developers should look at local demand before deciding on a field.


The next step for web developers is to prepare a resume and submit it to potential employers. A web developer’s resume should emphasize their technical expertise and previous projects they’ve worked on. In addition to the front-end experience, web developers should have some background in design. Mostly, a web developer’s resume component lists their knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Should any freelancing or project-based experience for novice web developers should be listed. It’s also good to include work experience in other industries with good time management, teamwork, and organization skills. Interviews for web development positions frequently include a skills test. One in ten web developers is self-employed. To discover clients and submit job applications, freelancers use social media to build their networks. Many freelancers also find work through freelancing websites.


Like many others in the computer industry, careers as a web developer necessitate on-the-job training. Web developers must keep up-to-date with the latest programming languages and technologies as they become commonplace. In addition to helping professionals remain on top of the latest developments in their fields, web development certificates can also serve as a powerful recruiting tool for job seekers. Tech certifications are available from numerous organizations, and a good example is the Certified Web Professional credential offered by the International Web Association. Among the many certifications available to web developers are website designers, administrators, merchants, and hackers. To qualify for most certificates, you’ll need a combination of education and work experience. To obtain their credentials, most applicants must also pass a test. Certified web developers may need additional training to keep their certifications current.


IT professionals, including web developers, work in a growing field. Besides web development, future tech professionals can concentrate on software development, cyber security, software engineering, and game development, for example (see list below).


Software engineers are in charge of creating, testing, and refining software. For software engineers, the prerequisites are far higher than for web developers. An undergraduate degree in computer science or software engineering is common among software engineers.


Video game creators write the code for video games and collaborate with video game designers to convert their ideas into actual games that players can enjoy. Like their web development industry counterparts, video game creators must have good programming skills.

Become a web developer in how many years?

To become a web developer, you must first earn a certificate or an associate’s degree. These courses last two and a half and three years, and having a bachelor’s degree is preferred by several employers.

How much money does a web developer earn?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May 2020 report, the median annual wage for web developers is above $77,000. According to several factors such as experience and region, salaries might vary widely.

Do web developers have the option of working from home if they choose?

Web developers do have the option of working from home on occasion. Many firms allow flexible work schedules for computer professionals, including freelance web developers who work from home.

Choose a course for your learning pathway.

Web Developer

Web Developer

First, master the languages, libraries, and frameworks you’ll need for your web development career. Some of the tools indicated above, and some basic vocabulary will be required for reading. The languages you learn will vary if you want to work on front-end or back-end development. However, all web developers should first know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • The fact that you’re collaborating with other developers provides you an advantage, especially if you’re brand new to the field. Working with others allows you to learn from the experiences of others.
  • In a company, customer service is well-organized, and employees aren’t obligated to work at arbitrary hours. When you complete the task you’ve been working on, your business clients will know when to contact you.
  • One of the benefits of being a full-time developer is that you are more likely to focus your efforts on a single project at a time. Several freelancers work on various tasks simultaneously, resulting in a much more focused workload. The result is a loss of focus, which might detract from the final product’s quality.


Things are getting more difficult in the job market. With the advancement of technology, vocations that were once common are disappearing every day. What better way to ensure your employment (and financial security) than to learn a new skill? That’s a massive benefit of web design and programming, and the best part is that you can enter the field without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a sophisticated degree program. You can begin your career as a web developer by simply following the procedures outlined above. Additionally, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software makes many developers’ lives significantly more manageable.



1. What is a web developer?

A web developer is a professional who creates and maintains websites and web applications. They use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the front-end of websites, and also have knowledge of server-side technologies like PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails for the back-end development.

2. What are the best ways to become a web developer?

The 6 best ways to become a web developer are:

  • Self-Study: You can learn web development through online tutorials, videos, and resources available on websites like Codecademy, W3Schools, and FreeCodeCamp.
  • Online Courses: Enroll in structured online courses such as those offered by Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare, which provide step-by-step learning paths and professional guidance.
  • Coding Bootcamps: Join an intensive coding bootcamp that offers accelerated learning and hands-on experience in web development.
  • College Degree: Pursue a formal education with a degree in computer science or web development from a university or college.
  • Internships and Apprenticeships: Gain practical experience by interning with web development companies or working as an apprentice under professional web developers.
  • Building Your Own Projects: Start building your own websites or web applications to gain practical experience and create a portfolio.

3. How long does it take to become a web developer?

The time it takes to become a web developer varies depending on your background, learning method, and the depth of knowledge you want to acquire. Generally, it can take several months to a couple of years to become proficient in web development.

4. Do I need a college degree to become a web developer?

No, having a college degree is not a strict requirement to become a web developer. While a degree in computer science or web development can be beneficial, it is possible to learn and excel in web development through self-study, online courses, and practical experience.

5. What skills do I need to become a web developer?

To become a web developer, you need to have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as knowledge of server-side programming languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails.

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LSI helped Rebecca’s Dream create a well-designed and functional website. Our site reflects who we are and the great work we do. It’s easy to use, visually pleasing, and modern. LSI has also assisted us with curated content for the website and social media along with newsletter design. They have been responsive, friendly, reliable, creative and supportive to our goals, mission and efforts as a non profit. I would highly recommend LSI.

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Raj Lingam , President, IndraSoft Inc.
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LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Andre snowden, President | ITBuilding Consulting

LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Melissa Mullins, Marketing Manager | Hendsoldt Inc

We have worked with LSI Media since 2014 and we received many compliments on our website design and functionality. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them.

Jordan Ahmad, Direct of Business Development | FAITH Social Services

LSI helped Rebecca’s Dream create a well-designed and functional website. Our site reflects who we are and the great work we do. It’s easy to use, visually pleasing, and modern. LSI has also assisted us with curated content for the website and social media along with newsletter design. They have been responsive, friendly, reliable, creative and supportive to our goals, mission and efforts as a non profit. I would highly recommend LSI.

Kathleen Illes, Director | Rebecca's Dream

LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Raj Lingam , President, IndraSoft Inc.