Intelligent Bots That Drive Revenue, Decrease Costs and Delight Customers

  • No compromise on quality service

Custom AI automation solutions for sales, marketing, support and operations – tailored to your specific needs.

At LSI Media, we provide cutting-edge artificial intelligence and conversational interface solutions to help businesses boost efficiency, reduce costs and enhance customer experiences.

Our team of AI specialists will closely partner with you to understand your needs and build tailored virtual agents, chatbots and intelligent workflows optimized for your people, processes and platforms.

We deliver AI-powered automation solutions for a wide range of uses:

Customer Service Chatbots

Provide 24/7 automated support across digital channels. Instantly resolve common inquiries. Reduce call volumes.

Sales Assistant Bots

Engage website visitors. Qualify leads. Book demos. Make recommendations. Escalate to reps when needed.

Marketing Bots

Interact with customers post-purchase. Guide product setup. Cross-sell accessories. Field returns.

HR Virtual Agents

Support employees with policy questions, timesheet management, knowledge base access and more.

Data Processing Automation

Extract insights and compile databases using AI data processing workflows.

Our bots feel natural to talk to and are capable of understanding context, asking clarifying questions, and providing the right information to users. We utilize state-of-the-art natural language processing and machine learning techniques to deliver seamless conversational experiences.

Benefits Section:

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction – Quick, accurate and personalized responses drive loyalty.

  • 24/7 Availability – Automated solutions provide always-on support across digital channels.

  • Increased Efficiency – Bots handle high volume repetitive tasks to boost productivity.

  • Cost Reduction – Lower operational costs by reducing call volumes and support tickets.

  • Revenue Growth – Engage every customer. Book more sales meetings. Reduce cart abandonment.

  • Your Content Goes Here
  • Valuable Insights – Gain data-driven visibility into pain points and opportunities.

  • Fast ROI – See positive returns on investment in just months with the right use case.

Our Platform Section:

We build AI automation solutions leveraging proven enterprise platforms like IBM Watson,
Microsoft Azure and Google Dialogflow.

Our solutions easily integrate with your existing CRM, support and marketing systems using APIs and webhooks.

We also offer customized machine learning models tailored to your specific needs. Our team handles data preprocessing, model building, testing and ongoing model refinement.

Detailed analytics dashboards provide visibility into bot performance and user conversations so we can continuously improve the platform.

Let our AI specialists help you identify the best applications for intelligent automation in your business!

Call to Action: Free Consultation

Get a free 30-minute consultation with our AI strategists to explore automation opportunities tailored for your business.