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Facebook advertisements, from time to time, pop up on your newsfeed – and you wonder how effective these ads are. As insiders affirm, these ads can work wonders. And if you are a business owner, you may even see a huge return on your investment if you join in.

But what are the exact advantages of Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are important, just like email marketing, perfect web design, SEO, and other social media that you don’t have to pay for. Every day, billions of people use Facebook, and your chances of reaching them with a targeted ad on the site go through the roof. This is a must because Facebook has almost no organic traffic.

However, just to clarify we don’t mean using the Boost button when we talk about running ads on Facebook. We’re talking about going to the site business.facebook.com to start from scratch and make ads that are highly targeted. This is a very big difference as compared to Facebook’s Boost button. If you’re interested in what Facebook ads can do for you and your business, continue to read on.

Facebook Has A Huge Worldwide Audience

Outstanding statistics have been reported regarding the massive global audience reach of Facebook. Recent studies showed that as of April 2022, Facebook had 2.936 billion monthly active users, making it the most “active” social media platform in the world.

Also, Facebook’s monthly active users have grown slightly over the past three months, according to data from the company’s most recent investor earnings report. Furthermore, in the three months leading up to April 2022, the number of people who use Facebook each month went up by about 24 million, or 0.8%.

The most recent numbers show that about 37.0% of all people worldwide use Facebook right now. Yet, because the company only lets people over 13 use its platform, Facebook’s “eligible” use rate is likely to be even higher than these numbers show, the new reports added.

As advertising experts contend, no other social network comes close to Facebook’s market share. They further noted that “what’s almost as interesting as Facebook’s huge audience is how quickly it reached this level of success.”

Facebook’s Historical Growth from 2004

Statista.com chronicled Facebook’s global popularity growth with its recent studies. According to its report, Facebook was only initially available on the Harvard campus, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. The platform became quite popular very quickly, and later became available at other colleges as well.

Statista further reported that by the end of 2004, more than one million people had signed up for Facebook. The company then moved to Silicon Valley, received a $500,000 investment from Paypal founder Peter Thiel, and later opened to the public in the fall of 2006. With this succession of events, this was the start of one of the most amazing growth stories in business history.

As narrated in the Statista report, 350 million more people joined the social network in 2006. By the summer of 2012, Facebook became the first online service of its kind to reach one billion monthly active users. Even though Facebook has been in the news in recent years for how it has – or hasn’t — handled user privacy and its questionable role in political manipulation in the U.S. and elsewhere, it continues to grow.

Advertisers care a lot about this growth in users for two main reasons:

1. The first is that advertisers can target potential customers more precisely the bigger the audience. Paid social is the opposite of traditional advertising platforms like TV and radio. Instead of trying to reach as many people as possible, the focus is on reaching the right people.

As the number of people who use Facebook grows, advertisers will be able to reach more people based on their demographics, personal interests, buying habits, life events, and thousands of other factors that can increase the return on investment (ROI) of a Facebook advertising campaign.

2. The second reason why Facebook’s growth is so important is that, whether you use Facebook or not, the platform continues to work well with changing media consumption habits and the rise of consumer technology like mobile devices.

According to Facebook’s 3rd quarter 2015 earnings report, there were 893 million daily active users who accessed the site via mobile devices in September of the previous year, showing a 27% increase moving to the following year. Studies further revealed that 727 million Facebook users never use the site on a desktop. This makes Facebook one of the largest sites globally in terms of the number of people who only use it on their phones.

Statista reports pointed out that the mentioned data doesn’t include any information about how people use WhatsApp or Instagram. This means that Facebook’s total worldwide mobile usage penetration is much higher than the data above shows.

Is Facebook Ads Obsolete? In January 2014, two researchers from Princeton University’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering conducted a study to determine the potential longevity of Facebook as a social network, as well as how fluctuations in social network adoption and usage can reflect trends in other studies.

In those earlier years, the paper concluded that declining volumes of the keyword “Facebook” indicated that “Facebook was doomed and would fall apart like the Roman Empire as soon as next year.” Meanwhile, based on Google Trends data alone, such a bold claim – the imminent demise of the world’s largest, most popular social network by 2017 despite established, continuous, demonstrable growth – “appears flawed at best, and negligent at worst.”

Regardless, the publication of the paper triggered a predictable flood of comments about how Facebook is dying, how the company is in trouble, and all manner of doomsday predictions. With so many people already using the service, market saturation was bound to have an effect on Facebook’s growth trajectory at some point.

To date, Facebook remains the world’s most popular social network, and slower growth is still “growth”. Other social networks have grown, but they are still nowhere near Facebook’s market penetration. As new studies show, Facebook is still on top in terms of user engagement.

According to Pew Research Center data, 70% of Facebook users in the United States visit the site daily, with 43% visiting multiple times per day. Furthermore, 82% of the young 18-29-year-old demographic is among the most active Facebook users. In a nutshell, Facebook isn’t dead, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

Here are 11 advantages of Facebook advertising:

1. You Can Reach Your Ideal Clients

When it comes to the level of detail, Facebook’s targeting options are out of this world. You can target people based on their interests, demographics, behaviors, connections, locations, age ranges, or languages. You can even further target your competitors’ fans. The targeting options go deeper than on any other platform, and you can combine and layer them to get rid of users who aren’t in your target market.

“It’s more important to know how good the audience is than how big it is. We want people to change. You shouldn’t just look for random visitors on Facebook. Instead, you should look for Facebook users who are likely to buy your product,” Facebook marketing experts pointed out. Facebook probably does the best job of any advertising platform when it comes to targeting. You won’t find these choices anywhere else.

2. You Can Take Advantage of Facebook Ads’ Robust Analytics

Facebook gives you as much information as it can about how well your ads are doing, so you’ll never have to guess or guess wrong about what works and what doesn’t. You won’t have to figure out your conversion rates and other social metrics because they are already set up for you in Ads Manager.

All you have to do is look at them and figure out what to do next. You get information about your weekly reach, how people interact with your posts, how many people like your page, and which of your posts do the best. Furthermore, its smart data provides in-depth information about generating more clicks, more conversions, and more sales.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. By looking at this information, you can change your ads to fit what’s needed instead of guessing or spending money for nothing. Remember that you can’t know if something is working or how to make it better if you can’t track and measure it. With Facebook ads, this gives you a lot of tools to track and measure how well your advertisements are doing.

3. You Reach A Larger and Targeted Audience As Compared To Your Organic Posts If you run a business page, you might not know that only a small number of your followers see what you post.

Observers have noted that Facebook has been “making it harder for business pages to show up in news feeds” in recent years, which could be a frustrating change to Facebook’s algorithm for all business owners.

Industry insiders suggest that those who would want potential customers to know about their businesses must use Facebook ads if they want to market it in any way. They further pointed out that there is no need for a big budget, yet business owners need to allocate even a small amount of daily budget for Facebook ad spend.

“Facebook ads give you a lot for your money, and if you know how to create and target them, the money you spend will be worth it.”

4. You Can Customize Your Ads

Creating a Facebook ad is easy simply because the platform makes it easy for beginners. Its tutorial walks you through steps that let you choose what kind of ad you want, who you want to reach, how long you want it to run, and how much you want to spend.

Also, the ad can be changed to fit what you want to do. These are what Facebook calls “goals.” You can make an ad based on whether you want people to interact with your posts, click on your website, like your page, or do something else.

With your customized ads, this give you more control over the ad you make, and it also tells Facebook how to improve your ad so that it gets you the best results. Facebook ad changes and customization help advertisers create an ad that is a good fit for their brand and their targeted audience.

5. You Easily Attract New Leads

Once you find your audience that converts the fastest, you can use Facebook’s “lookalike audiences” to find more people just like them. With this feature, you can use Facebook to find similar people who are most likely to buy from you based on your custom audience.

You can build lookalike audiences with conversion pixels, people who install data from your apps, and your Facebook fans. | You can give a lot more details about the size and targeting options so that your lookalike audiences are a good match for your target market.

6. You Can Advice Leads To Act Via A Customized Call-to-Action Button

Most digital ads have a call-to-action (CTA) button that takes people to the place you want them to go, like your website. This works well because you have to tell people exactly what to do. Then, it’s much more likely that they’ll do it. It seems easy, but it makes a big difference in how well your ads and blogs do.

Plus, users usually want to know more before making a choice. Your online audience can easily go to your website if you use Facebook ads, but there are other ways as well. Book Now, Contact Us, Apply Now, Download, Sign Up, and Learn More are the current CTA buttons that can be used.

7. Facebook Ads Helps You in Remarketing With Previous Visitors Remarketing is another way to reach your target audience because your ad will be shown to people who have been to your website in the past.

Your online audience probably just takes a quick look at your business the first time they see it on Facebook or your website, even if you get their attention a little bit.

Why would they do that? They don’t know you, so there’s no reason for them to believe you. If they see your ad again, you have a better chance of getting them to buy from you. One point of contact won’t be enough. People need to see your brand anywhere from three to seven times before they finally do something.

8. Conversions Are Possible With Proper Targeting Via Affordable FB Ads

This is possible because Facebook’s click-through rate (CTR) keeps going up thanks to their better advertising tools. Businesses are learning how to use ads correctly because of this. Because targeting tools and creativity are always getting better, business owners can reach the people they want to at a low cost and in an effective way.

With the small amount of money it costs to run a Facebook ad and specifically target only the people you want, you can reach as many people as you need to and make money off your ad in the end. To be clear, testing your ads, which you’ll almost always have to do, ends up costing the most money.

However, advertisers also expressed that these ads rarely work the first time, and they usually need to be changed. They explained that while “this is quite common… when making your budget, you should plan for this test phase.”

9. Your Target Audience On Social Media Are Accessible And Always Online

As Facebook analysts put it, the popular social media platform is simply “too huge to ignore” and because current and potential customers are on Facebook, your business needs one. People spend almost 2.5 hours a day on social media, and Facebook is their favorite. “Just go with the flow,” they suggested. “ If most of the people you want to reach are on Facebook, you should be there too.”

10. You Can Increase Your Promotion For Your Content

If the content on your website is always good, you want people to know about it. That’s why you share updates on all of your social media networks all the time. Do you think that’s enough, though? I’m sorry, but it’s not.

With Facebook ads, you can get more people to see your content. With ads, you’ll be able to reach more people than you ever could on your own. This means that scaling up your marketing plans is not only possible but also easy.

Once you have an ad that works well, you keep putting more money into it until it stops doing what you want it to do. Furthermore, you can also make copies of your ads and send them to different parts of the same audience. When you spend a little money on advertising, great things can happen.

11. You Can Be Able To Retain Your Customers

Many businesses today use their Facebook pages in the right way to make their followers feel like they are part of a community. These pages give businesses a chance to talk directly with customers, which helps them build a good image for their brand and keep customers coming back.

One of the many good things about Facebook ads is that they give businesses more chances to get people interested. The advertisements cvan lead to more growth, a higher retention rate, and eventually more sales, all because you used Facebook ads to build better relationships.


Even though Facebook ads are quite affordable, don’t dismiss them just because they have very low fees. Facebook marketing experts advise that your business will reach new heights with the platform’s global reach. And while Facebook Ads Manager isn’t easy to use, the experts point out that you shouldn’t expect to see results right away, since “in business, you really can’t expect things to change overnight.”

But if you take the time to learn how to use the platform and test, test, test your ads, you’ll be able to spend money on Facebook eventually. LSi Media, a full-service digital marketing agency based in Virginia, also recognized as one of the best in the state as awarded by the B2B marketplace community site Design Rush, is offering its services to businesses worldwide. Book a schedule now with its team of marketing experts and discover how we will be able to help you scale your business.



1. What are Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are advertisements that appear on the Facebook platform, allowing businesses to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. These ads can appear in various formats, such as image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more.

2. How do Facebook ads work?

When setting up Facebook ads, businesses can create ad campaigns and define their target audience based on various parameters, such as age, location, interests, and behaviors. The ads then appear on the Facebook platform, targeting the selected audience, and businesses pay based on the ad objectives, such as impressions or clicks.

3. Why are Facebook ads effective?

Facebook ads are effective digital advertising for your business because:

  • Facebook has a large user base, offering businesses a wide reach.
  • The targeting options allow precise audience segmentation.
  • Facebook’s ad platform provides detailed analytics and reporting.
  • Ads can be optimized for different objectives, such as brand awareness, website traffic, or lead generation.
  • The ad formats are engaging and can be tailored to suit different business goals.

4. Can Facebook ads help increase my business’s online visibility?

Yes, Facebook ads can increase your business’s online visibility by reaching a wider audience. By targeting specific demographics and interests, you can increase the chances of your ads being seen by potential customers who may not have been aware of your business before.

5. How is the success of Facebook ads measured?

The success of Facebook ads can be measured through various metrics, including:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ad is shown
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it
  • Conversions: The number of desired actions taken, such as purchases or sign-ups, as a result of the ad
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): The revenue generated compared to the cost of the ad campaign

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LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

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We have worked with LSI Media since 2014 and we received many compliments on our website design and functionality. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them.

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LSI helped Rebecca’s Dream create a well-designed and functional website. Our site reflects who we are and the great work we do. It’s easy to use, visually pleasing, and modern. LSI has also assisted us with curated content for the website and social media along with newsletter design. They have been responsive, friendly, reliable, creative and supportive to our goals, mission and efforts as a non profit. I would highly recommend LSI.

Kathleen Illes, Director | Rebecca's Dream

LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

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Our mission is to provide you with the tools and services necessary to improve your business results through social media.

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LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Andre snowden, President | ITBuilding Consulting

LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Melissa Mullins, Marketing Manager | Hendsoldt Inc

We have worked with LSI Media since 2014 and we received many compliments on our website design and functionality. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them.

Jordan Ahmad, Direct of Business Development | FAITH Social Services

LSI helped Rebecca’s Dream create a well-designed and functional website. Our site reflects who we are and the great work we do. It’s easy to use, visually pleasing, and modern. LSI has also assisted us with curated content for the website and social media along with newsletter design. They have been responsive, friendly, reliable, creative and supportive to our goals, mission and efforts as a non profit. I would highly recommend LSI.

Kathleen Illes, Director | Rebecca's Dream

LSI helped ITBuild create an elegant and efficient website. Our site reflects who we are and the great services we provide. It user friendly, stylish and rnodern. LSI Media views our business as their own and we have been extremely happy with the service and partnership we’ve created with them. I would highly recommend LSI.

Raj Lingam , President, IndraSoft Inc.